Boev, Georgi (Ohrid, 18. – 1935) – Univ. Professor. He graduated from the High School of Physical Education in Belgrade (1961). Master ‘s Degree at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1981), on the topic: “Comparative analysis of some anthropometric and motor dimensions in high school age students (16-17 years) that deal with students who do not deal with sports gymnastics in Ohrid ” He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje (1990) on the topic “The impact of various structural programs in sports gymnastics on some variables of the anthropological status of the students of 17 years.” Worked in the secondary gymnasium (1962-1965), in the Higher School of Physical Education (1965- 1978), a lecturer and a full-time gymnastics professor at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje (1978-1999), Dean (1997-1999) and minister For youth and sports (1999- 2001). D. S.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОЕВ, Ѓорѓи