Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje – a higher education institution established by law (1977). The home commission of seven members with a president prof. Dr. Vanco Kovachev, brought the curriculum, announced a competition and received 86 regular and 18 part-time students for studies in the first year. Then he published a competition and chose the Faculty of Physical Education, Skopje Wen Staff: 4 Vichy Lecturers, 5 lecturers, 2 assistants and 4 younger assistants in a permanent working relationship (from 1 ⅴ 1978) and the faculty started the work (from School 1977/78). The four biologicalmodical cases taught professors from the Faculty of Medicine, and six of the humanitarian district professors from the Philosophy and Philology in Skopje. The Faculty graduated 1162 students, a Master’s degree 25, PhD 37, habilitated 3, completed specialist studies 3 and studies studies. He also has dispersions-Vichy sports coaches 110 Study Faculty of Fine Arts, Skopje Denti (until 2002). In his composition, the Center with teachers who hold teaching of physical education at the first year studies at the non-quite faculties of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje. Lit.: Dushan Stanimirovic, establishment of the Faculty of Physical Education, “Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Physical Education”, Skopje, 1988, 118-159; 25 years at the Faculty of Physical Education, Skopje, 2002. D. S.
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