Biljanoski, Zlatko.

Biljanoski, Zlatko (Zlate) Karanfilev (Pseud. Mihajlo) (village River, Krusevo, 25. ⅰ 1920) – Communist Deper, Power and Stage. As a pricing through Serbia, he became a member of Ursa Trade Unions, to SC (1936) and the CPY (1939). In the April war (6. 1941) he was captured in Maribor and taken to Lukenwalwend (Germany). After the liberation (August 1941), some time was in a camp in Sofia. After returning, he was a member of the Sky Northern Committee, the MK of the CPY and the CPY District Committee, Political Commissioner of Chief in Krushevo NOO “Pitu Guli” (September 1942), Deputy Political Commissioner of the Mavrovo-Kichevo NOOP, deputy commander And then the commander of the Zupan NOOP, and when he grew into a battalion he became his political commissioner. A delegate of Awnoy and a delegate participant at the first session of ASNOM, deputy political commissioner of the third Macedonian Nawb, head of the GS of November (August 1944). After the liberation, the Faculty of Economics and performed various political and social duties: State Secretary for Internal Affairs of NRM, a member of the CC of SCM, a member of the Government of the NRM, member of the Executive Council of the NRM, Director of the Customs Administration of the SFRY, President of the The Commission for Social Supervision of the Federal Assembly, Republic and Federal MP in several convened by the Assembly of the Assembly of the SRM and President of the Republic Board of the Republic of Macedonia. The holder is a partisan monument 1941 and decorated with the Order “People’s Hero of Yugoslavia” (29. Xi 1953). BIB.: Bloody traces, “thought,” Skopje, 1969; Manchu Matak, “Thought”, Skopje, 1975; Destination “Pitu Guli”, “Thought”, Skopje, 1973; Krusevski NOP Squad, War Handing Institute, Belgrade, 1971; February white nights, Nick “Our book”, Skopje, 1972; Destination “Pitu Guli”, Nick “Our book”, Skopje, 1990. Lit.: Biljanovski Karanfle Zlatko-Mihajlo (1920), People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Nick “Our book” – Skopje, 1973, 58-63. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИЛЈАНОСКИ, Златко

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