Berlin Congress (13th. In the preliminary Santefanic Peace Accord (3. ⅲ 1878), unilaterally imposed by Russia after winning the war (1877/1878). The agreement signed on 13. ⅶ was an annuled preliminary Santefan agreement and a new order in the Balkans under which Macedonia in its natural and ethnic borders was kept in the composition of the Ottoman state. The government in Constantinople was in charge (Article 23) to introduce an arrangement established by Stato Tot, following the example of the Statute for the island of Crete adapted to meat needs. A separate administration of the province with a general governor and the Administrative Council of the General Directorate, Financial Administration and Judicial Authority, the Berlin Congress (1878) with adequate representation of the population (Muslims and Christians) in all organs. Lit.: Aleksandar Hristov – John Donev, Macedonia in international agreements 1875-1919, Skopje, 1994; Documents for the struggle of the Macedonian people for autonomy and national state, 1, Skopje, 1981. M. Min. Samuel Borisovich Bernstain.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet