Mincheva-Shukarova, Biljana Nikolova

Mincheva-Shukarova, Biljana Nikolova (Skopje, 1948) – Full Professor (1996) of the PMF, Institute of Chemistry. She graduated from PMF physical chemistry in Belgrade, and here and her master (1974). PhD (1982) of the Physics Department of King’s Zollege in London. Since 1972 He is at work at the Institute of Chemistry of PMF in Skopje. Performed undergraduate and postgraduate instruction in courses in the field of physical chemistry. Scientific work is in the area of ​​Raman and infra-Biljana Minchevashkarova Red Spectroscopy, and the subject of studying $ is various polymorphic forms of ice, clatatates, clays, minerals and other solids. More recently, it is the bearer of the application of non-destructive methods for examining ingredients in museum and archaeological objects. He published over 60 scientific papers (in the country and abroad), and the scientific manifestations presented Ninety Plenary and Section Lectures and Announcements. She was head and a member of the research teams of several domestic and international scientific research projects. He was several times in study stays abroad (longest in the UK). She was Head of the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry at the PMF in Skopje. Lit.: Natural and Mathematical Faculty – Skopje, 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, 218; 60 years of natural-mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, 239-240. B. w. Dimitar Miovsky.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИНЧЕВА-ШУКАРОВА, Билјана Николова

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