ASNOM and First Truster for People’s Education in DFM. He finished elementary and secondary education in his hometown and Skopje. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1922). Among the two world wars was a professor of philosophy, psychology and French in several places (Strumica, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Vranje and Skopje). Member of the CPY since 1944 The NOB includes in 1944. He was a member of the Initiative Board for convening the first session of ASNOM, a delegate of AVENY and ASNOM and secretary and member of the Presidium of ASNOM. At the third session of the Presidium of ASNOM (2-5. Ⅸ 1944) proposes to issue a Macedonian primer, to open gymnasiums and teaching schools and study the issue of opening a university in Macedonia. He establishes a commission for “unification of the Macedonian language”, that is, the Commission for the Macedonian alphabet and manages its work. He was a member of the Constitent Assembly for the adoption of the Constitution of NRM (1946). He was director of the National Library in Skopje (1947-1951) and professor at the Pedagogical Academy (1952-1966). Lit.: Presidium de L’Ssembles anti-Fascine de L’Liberathion Ordale de la Macodone ASNOM, Skopje, 1994; Pedagogical Academy “Kliment Ohridski” Skopje 1947-1972, Skopje, 1972. St. w. Petar Popars

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АСНОМ

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