Aristotle (Aristotle (Halkidik), 384 BCE – Halks, Evbo, 322/1 BCE) – a philosopher representing whole areas of spirituality, philosophy and science. Rewrite in Pella, in the capital of the Macedonian kings, lives in the courtyard of the Macedonian king Aminta (his father Nicomah is a court doctor), coming with King Philip ⅱ Macedonian, teacher is Alexander the Great; A friend and protégé is the Macedonian military leader, the Europe, Antipathar. He lives and works for many years in Athens (such as a matter, without Athens civil law), where he founded the gymnasium, After the death of Alexander, he is charged with ungodliness, the borne of a tyrant and for the Macedonian) and forced to withdraw in Halkis of Effairs, where he dies (afterwards he was taken to the interviews). He left numerous manuscripts, processed and issued by the philologist Andronicus of Rhodes; The corpus was collected and transferred to the Alexandrian Library at the time of Ptolemaj Philadelph (285-247 BC). After a 20-year stay at Platon’s Academy, Athens founded his philosophical school Likey, known as the peripatetic (strolling) School. He was accused of ungusting and therefore left Athens with the words: “For the Athenians, not to sin” (alluding to the Socratovo tragic execution). The subject of his interest was all areas of human knowledge, and especially logic, metaphysics, physics, psychology, ethics, poetics, astronomy, meteorology, zoology, etc. Aristotle made the first classification of the then knowledge in three groups: theoretical (metaphysics, physics, mathematics), practical (ethics, politics, economics) and poetic (poetics, grammar, rhetoric). The logic did not place it in this classification because it was that it is organon (instrument) for philosophy. His logic is formal because he formulated the laws of logically correct opinion. “The first philosophy” (later called metaphysics) is investigating the latest, highest and most general principles of all that exists. The subject of the first philosophy is the matter, form, movement and purpose. Contrary to Plato, Aristotle believes that the general does not exist outside the individual. Individual items make up the first substance, the most important category of the ten categories describing the Being. In the opinion of Aristotle, there are two types of virtues: Dianoatically (reasonable) and ethical (moral, volace). His arrestology is based on the “Golden Environment” principle. In political theory defines the man as a “political creature” (Zon Policy), given that man is a rational and social creature. It is also significant for its aesthetic theory in which the idea of catharzis is also significant. BBB.: Aristotle, Nikomahova ethics. Preface and translation, E. Koleva, Skopje, 2003; Aristotle, rhetoric. Prev. C. Tomovska, Skopje, 2002; Policy. Prev. M. Buzalkova-Aleksova, Skopje, 2006. Organon, metaphysics, physics, soul, heaven, poetics, etc. Lit.: F. Candleton, History Philosophy, Greek and Rome, Belgrade, 1991. V. Mr.-P. and A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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