Cichun, Gennady Apanasavich

Cichun, Gennady Apanasavich (Genadzï Apanasavich Cîkhun) (Kunza, Gr., Belarus, 30. H 1936) – Belarusian Slavity-linguist and Macedonian, UNIV. Professor, academician, member of the MANA outside the working composition (since 2009). After the end of the high school in Groden, he graduated from the Department of Slavic Philology at the Leningrad State University (1953- 1958), where he became aspiring (1959-1960) and the sophisticated state university (1961-1963). Since 1963 He was elected for a scientific associate at the Linguistics Institute of Linguistics “Sakub Collas” of the BSSR. The Leningrad State University defended the candidate dissertation “Syntax Platineant Kleik in Bulgaria and Macedonian Literaturh яз” (1966). Since 1966, he will be parallel as a Lecturer and Professor of Belarusian State University in Minsk, and since 1991. It leads the Macedonian language Lectorate for students-Belarusists and teaches Areal linguistics and Balkanics. In Minchak defends the doctoral dissertation “Typology problem Balkanovski, ЯîKovogo Areala” (1982) and is elected full professor (since 1996) and Head of the Department of Slavic and theoretical Linguistics (1990-2005) to inscribe “Jakub Collas and Jakub Kolas and Jakuba Cups” The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and then the main scientist of the department. As a guest-professor teaches Belarusia and Slavistics on the Branch of the Warsaw University in Bialystok (Poland, 1994-2005). Honorary Doctor is at the Sofia University (2003) and academician and Vice-President of the International Academy of Sciences of Ethnia in Moscow (since 1994). He is vice president of the Belarusian Slavic Committee (1994-2000) and a member of the Presidium of the International Slavic Committee (since 2004). Basic guidelines in scientific activity are: Balkanistic with special orientation to Balkanavistics (since 1962); Areal linguistics (since 1963); Easier as an ethno-linguistic region (from 1963); Belarusian-Irostraven language links (1968- 1975); Belarusian-South Slavic Language Links (from 1974); etymology (since 1983, is one of the authors, and since 2004, and an editor and chief editor of the “etymological vocabulary of the Belarusian”, T. 1-12: A-C); Slavic Linguistic Baboraphy (from 1974); The history of Belarusian Slavistics (since 1990) and ecolinguistics (from 1983). He participated in the International Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture in Ohrid (1983, 1984), as well as other scientific gatherings in Macedonia. He published more than 300 scientific papers in the field of Balkanistic and the history of Slavistics and especially from the Macedonian (since 1957). Significant monographic papers: Syntax Platineanth Kleik in Bulgaria and Macedonian Literary, Leningrad, 1966; Syntax Platinhenîch Kleik in óHZLANAKAKHICH YESCHAKAH (Balkanavaya Modelï), Minsk, 1968; Tterlogy Syntaquincanîch Adrosenanyauí U Balkanislavm Archela Schwyi Furnoro Z’zd Slavistau: Daklad, Minsk, 1978; Typophical problem base Balkannenko ЯзKovogo Areala, Minsk, 1981; Typology problem Francoannayo ЯзKovogo Areala (Minsk, 1981), Arraheli, the Sweetology Slavyhankah Mouí: Pr 2.NncaPî and Visels Dazzledant (Minsk, 1988) and Arrade, Farma Farmeranja Slavenjanch Literanch, Literanch Mouí (Minsk, 1993). BIB. Proklizes in the Macedonian language, literature and culture in Ohrid, 11, Skopje, 1984; Oh, Silderoch “Formae in the system of place of resignation, Leningrad, Leningrad, 1962, 119-130; Konuples of Postposite Members (Artikle) in Bulgariam and Macedonian Yazîkakah, Clock: Trypellia and Mostoria Slavyhanko Mouí and Uísayemaka Slavyhankah Literatur, Minsk, 1967, 146-148; About systemmaster status Incorpora Balkan, ЯЗîковковî че Tarth, “Macedonian language”, 25, Skopje, 1974, 171-180; Tapologia Balkanizmój N’J & Zkaczkojoosljjjjjjjjjch, Drying Zi Branch Comsi Vaconikjk Pan, 20/1, 92-94; Cyrillo-Mefodievs of Lexica Responsible speeches, “Blainology Slavica”, Moscow, 1993, 416-424; Proxysis in the Macedonian sentence, “Macedonian language”, 40-41, 717-723; Balkanÿ Linguistic Mlatism (Blah): Objectives and Tasks, Clute: Actal beyhema Composal Balkan ЯЗîетова, S.-Petersburg, 2003, 44-49; Rodded Misirkova and Igo literary Standart, Clute: The work of Krste Misirkov, 2, Skopje, 2005, 33-40; Slavyanska Literary, Microaskîkãîu Project in the Jutblinguistic Perspatch, I celebrity Literary literary microas and Яикакает етеватî Contactî, Tartu, 2006, 47-54. Lit.: MN. Krîuíco, Cîkoun Genadzï Apanasavich, Belarusia Rnecclapede, Minsk, 1994, 604-605; Cîchun Genadzï Apanasavich, HTO òсï HTO UR Suchamÿ Belarusian linguist Menskî, Minsk, 1997, 111; I. I. Lucîz-Flyzerz, R. M. Small noted, Genadzï Apanchowovich Cîkoun, “Belarusian linguist”, 58, Minsk, 2006, 135-137; B. Œ. Norman, N. C. Subrunchuk, K-Gennady Afanas Perzhieva Chterahuna, “Slavneved”, 1, Moscow, 2007, 123-124; Ivan Dorovski, Emilija Crvenkovska, a lexicon of foreign Macedonians ⅹⅹ and ⅹⅹⅰ century, Skopje, 2008, 125-126. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЦИХУН, Генадиј Апанасавич

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