Biodiversity – Biological diversity – a variety of all organisms of the global level, including geneticism and in harsh conditions: wild bunars in the forest reserve “Clear” diversity. In a wider sense, this notion reflects relations between genes, types and ecosystems. The species occupy the central position in the concept of biodiversity, as genes are an integral part of the species, and the species are the components of ecosystems. Biodiversity involves the overall natural biological treasure that surrounds the man and on whom his well-being and the future depend on. Basic characteristics of biodiversity in the Republic of Macedonia are the richness and heterogeneity of species and ecosystems. This is the result of the specific geographical position, as well as the changes that have been carried out in the past geological periods, especially at the end of the tertiary, the glacial and post-fee. All this left lasting features against today’s flora, fungia and fauna, which is confirmed by the presence of many relict and endemic species. Biodiversity in Macedonia includes more than 18,000 taxa from flora, fungia and fauna, of which more than 900 taxa are Macedonian endemics. The great diversity of ecosystems, within which more than 260 plant communities are registered, are also a confirmation of the high biodiversity of our country. Lit.: S. Petkovski, Faunal Diversitis, in: Coon Studs for Biodelysitis off the Republic of the Republic of Macendonia (FIRST National Report). Ministry of Environment and Piixel Planing, Skopje, 2003; K. J. Gaston-R. David, Hotospes Azrosz Europe, “Biodelysitis Fleeters”, 2, 1994, 108-116; J. Red, B. Tsstick, n. Easthoof, Tezen PHSSP Geographers Off Tezh Balkans and Nomenzlaturo Pad Place, in: Balkan Biodar Island: Pattern and Procar IntraPe European Hotospel, Dor-dicext / Boston / London, 2004; I. R. Savitz, S. Petkovski, M. B. P. CHURCIZ, P. K. Beron, O. Popovska, Teza Fonalal Diversitis Into the Balkan Peninsula, in: Abstruct Booke, Condon International CNGRSRS UNDER Biodiversity, Eciologist and Consense of Balkan Fauna, Ohrid, September 1998. St. P. – V. Sid.
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