
Rotors (Rotatoria) – Microscopic petty organisms, with dimensions of 0.04 to 2.5 mm. They have a diverse body shape, but the basic shape is a word. Robless, but in some types of staining originates from the content in their intestine. The world is known over 1,800 species of this class. Inhabit them mostly land waters. In Macedonia, the Video Brachionus Angularis Grossee is frequent, which is represented in the Ohrid Lake in the Plankton community. In the gate and locas, the vision asplantzhna Product is often encountered. In the plankton of our lakes, especially in the Ohrid, the types are found: Keorelle Tsocchahliaris Grosse, Nothecholza Longaspina Kelle., Pleosoma Duzomatum Lev. & Zhzh., Gastroopus StrSliffer Imoff. Lit.: Ognjana Popovska-Stankovitz, and a flutteribution That Better Knayledge of the Microfauna (Rotors, Tsapoda and Chladement) Off Stenter Mars, Folia Balz., Instead. Semitz., Skopje, 1971, 3 (1): 1-8; Ognikanka Popovska-Stankovic, Zooplankton of Dojran Lake, Special Edition, Natural History Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 1990, 9: 7-124. C. T. K. – M. Cr. Emil Ruben

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис РОТАТОРИИ

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