Popovski, Dimitrija (Skopje, 16. 1941) – UNIV. Professor, float coach. He graduated from the High School of Physical Education in a white city (1965), a master’s degree at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1977), on the topic: “Relationship between the bodily development and a dynamometer of the measured muscle power in the male high school youth in Skopje”. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy, a Department of Physical Education in Nis (1980), on the topic: “Relication Anthropometometric Dimension and Isomomonog Misses ¢ Nog Potential Code Students of 11 to 14 G. U SC Makedones “. Worked as a swimming professor at the Higher School of Physical Education (1965-1978) and as a lecturer and full swimming professor at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje (1978-2006). Bill Dean four times. He was a MP of the Liberal Party in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (1992-1994 and 1994-1998). A long-time coach of the APK “student” in Skopje and the selector of the Macedonian team of swimming. He published expert and scientific papers, and is the winner of social awards. Lit.: Dushan Stanimirovic, Tenth anniversary of the Faculty of Physical Education & Skopje (1977/78 -1987/88), “Annual Proceeding of the Faculty of Physical Education” no. 1, Skopje, 1988. 25 years at the Faculty of Physical Education (1977-2002), Skopje, 2002. D. S. Dusko Popovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПОВСКИ, Димитрија