Popars, Peter.

Popars, Peter (village Bogomila, Veles, 21. H 1872 – Sofia, 1 and 1941) – Macedonian cultural and revolutionary Dian, “Vineard”, a gymnasium professor, writer and publicist. After schooling in the native village, Veles and Thessaloniki, as one of the antiegosarchical rebels, together with a larger group of students from the Thessaloniki high school, is transferred to schooling in Belgrade (1889). As a Great School student, he felt the manipulation of propaganda at the beginning of next year to the Historical and Faculty of Historical School in Sofia. Then the main “Stamenidity in Macedonia and its representatives” from Vardar (P. Potarus) Vienna (1894) of Thessaloniki and Belgrade refugees, the core of the “Lozar” movement is created. He is a member of the “Secret Assembly” (the end of 1890), from which the young Macedonian banknowing company, which of January 1892. It begins to issue its body “Loza”, and it is one of its main editorial and associates. Due to the national concept of the IMKD program and the national-separatist orientation of the magazine and the Macedonian linguistic tendency, campaign and terror against “Macedonian national separatism” is initiated in the Bulgarian public. Soon the company and SP. “Loza” is disabled. After graduation, Popars became a professor in the Thessalonian high school and together with five other young intellectuals, they set the foundation of the MRO (23. H 1893). As a member of the MoR CC, he attends the organizational meeting in Resen (1894), and under the pseudonym Vardar publishes the brochure “Stambolish in Macedonia and its representatives” (1894), which represents the basic concepts of the MoR program. He actively participates in the Thessaloniki Congress of the MoR (1896), but after the Vinica affair (1897) he was arrested and sentenced to the 101st Robia. After being amnestied (1902), he continues the activity in Veles, but opposite the Thessaloniki assassy has been arrested again and from the Skopje prison, one day before the announcement of the Ilinden Uprising. It becomes a teacher in Skopje (1903/04), and then in Thessaloniki. It is reopoted in TMORO’s CC, but almost retreats. Since July 1904 It is interned in the native village, and in August is the external representative of TMORO in Sofia. Although it does not participate in the Rila Congress (1905), it was elected as a member of the Border Representative Office. After the murder of Sarafov and Garvanov (1907) he was arrested in Sofia, but soon released and returned to Skopje (May 1908). He actively participates in the suppression of the Sultan counterrevolution (1909). As a teacher at the pedagogical school in Skopje (later director and Maarif Inspector), he fails to participate in the elections for MP, and together with K. Misirkov and Former Metropolitan Skopje Theodosia Gologanov, makes an attempt to open a Macedonian high pedagogical school in Skopje (1910). In the First Balkan War he sheltered in Veles and D. Cupovski is organized by the General Macedonian Spas Conference on the occupied Macedonia, on which the Macedonian colony in Petersburg is empowered to represent Macedonian interests abroad (December 1912). It is prevented to leave with Chupovski in Paris and London. After the Bucharest Agreement (1913) becomes a teacher in the Sofia village of Kostenets. He is a member of the United Former VMRO representative office in Sofia, a signatory of the appeal (15th 1919) and associate of the organ “Bóletithí”. After the Versaille Peace Accord, and the final division of Macedonia fully withdraw from the public and political life. He is the author of the dramatic specialist of the Macedonian languageSamuel Brsjak”, 4, Sofia, 3. ⅵ 1919, 6). BIB. Excavations of literary and national themes, ⅱ, Skopje, 231-242; It, centuries of the Macedonian consciousness. Research on Cultural-National Development, Skopje, 2001, 350-359. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОПАРСОВ, Петар

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