Petrushevski, Michael D

Petrushevski, Michael D. (Bitola, 2. ⅶ 1911 – Skopje, 27. ⅱ 1990) – Classic philologist, UNIV. Prof., Rector of the Skopje University, Academician. Elementary school and high school finished in Bitola. Faculty of Philosophy, a classic philology group (1931-1935) in Belgrade. In 1935, as an amateur revealing valuable artifacts in Heraclea near Bitola and interested in the public about this wealthy archaeological site. In 1936 Designated for a LAT teacher. J. In the Bitola high school, in 1938 elected assistant at the classical philology seminar in Belgrade, and in 1940. Defended his doctoral dissertation “souls and demons black Boje code Oldy Narod”. In early 1941 He was elected professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, but because of the war, he did not enter office. He remained in Belgrade as an assistant until March 1946, when he was withdrawn from the Ministry of Education of the NRM for a member of the Commission for organizing the University of Skopje. In November 1946 He was elected Associate Professor and First Dean of the newly established philosophile faculty in Skopje in two terms (1946- 1949), in 1956 for a full professor and Rector of the Skopje University (1956-1958), and in 1967 a regular member of MANU. Since 1946 Paying great attention to organizing the seminar, from 1956 at the Department of Classical Philology, whose boss was from 1946 to 1967, and organized the seminar for the history of the old age with archeology. After his initiative (1950), the SP was established. “Live antiquity”, which of the Yugoslav, in 1957/8. grows into an international magazine. As a student M. D. P. demonstrate inclination toward scientific work. It engages with the most severe problems of classical philology, such as the definition of the tragedy of Aristotle, declared by Genderman for an unsolvable problem. He is recognized that during their resolution shows great boldness, inventiveness and originality. With a minute analysis of the text of the whole poetics of Aristotle showed that the so-called. “Tragic Qatharsa” is actually fiction, the event due to the wrong addition of the damaged place from the text in 6 g. and wrongly connecting with “music Qatarsa” (8 hp. v. 7 of the arist. Politics). In poetics M. D. P. He has made over 50 eumodations, but the most important is in ch. 6 For the definition of the tragedy, where the words Roadhematon Katharsin replaced them with Pragmaton. Immediately after deciphering the linear and a letter actively includes in the interpretation of Miketan inscriptions and with its associates in Skopje, a Myikenological Center is organized. The greatest interest shows the problems in the field of linguistics and the history of the Greek language. Lit.: P. HR. Ilievski, Michael D. Petrushevski, “Gun”, 21, 1, 1971, 5 & 17; Of the scientific activity of Akad. M. D. Petrusevski, “Gun”, 31, 1 & 2, 1981, 7 & 28; For the ancient Stoss in Macedonian translations, Matica Makedonska, SK. 1997; M. D. Petrusevski and magazine “Live Antica” (on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of birth and anniversary of death, “articles”, MANU, UN, 1992, 23/1, 45 & 62; V. Mitevski, Akad. Michael D. Petrusevski, ” , 40, 1990, 17 & 19. P. Hr. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТРУШЕВСКИ, Михаил Д

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