Moles, Kostadin.

Moles, Kostadin (Koco) (Bansko, 18. 1876 – Sofia, 24. 1957) – Collector of Macedonian folk art, poet and revolutionary. It is educated in Serez and Thessaloniki, and Teaches in Lom and Bansko. Develops revolutionary activity, especially since the establishment of the Revolutionary Committee in Bansko (1897). Organizes the transfer of weapons of the Serar Revolutionary District (1897) and headed in the Ilinden Uprising. He is the author of some songs from the poetry, “Sorry Babo, listen,” published with his brother Dimitar, with whom they developed rich gathering activity and together publish “Noromopean materials from flood”. BIB.: Moleri Brother Dimitír and Kostadin, Norocratic materials from breakfast, SBRI Jelvies, Sofia, 1954; Dimitar G. Molarov, plays. He arrived Vasil Tocinovski, Skopje, 1993. B. R.-J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МОЛЕРОВ, Костадин

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