Michael, Archbishop (Methods of Gogov) (Novo Selo, Stip, 20. ⅴ 1912 – Skopje, 6. 1999). He finished theology in Bitola, theological faculty in a white city and philosophical (archeology and history of art) in Skopje. He was a prudent and priest in Stip and Skopje and among the first missionaries in Australia. After returning, he was a professor and rector in theology in Skopje and Professor, Procedikan and Dean of the Faculty of theological Faculty; Metropolitan Povardarski. Translated part of the Bible in Macedonian language, polyglot and author of several schools aids at the faculty. For the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, he was elected 4. ⅹⅰⅰ 1993, remembered after the conversations such as Darshyte Church Orator and Sage. His presence in electronic and print media made the MOC to come out of the isolation that I was imposed by power in the former period. He was archpastical with evangelical humility, with the apostolic consistency and with St. Climanitov Selfenger. Lit.: Ratomir Grozdanoski, Mikhail Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 1994. Rat. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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