Aranzel, St.

Aranzel, St. (Archangel Michael) – Chief of angels, senior angel. Before creating the material world (earth, heaven, the stars, man, etc.), the Lord created the spiritual world – the angels. At first they were all good. Later, some of them became bad, rebelled by God and began doing misdeeds. We call them devils. One among them named Denica, blinded by the great power of God, was rebelled, gathered a large company and created a whole invisibly heavenly spiritual kingdom. St. Archangel Michael defeated him, he took him from heaven, and later continued to fight for the glory of God, which is why he is presented in a duches with a sword and a spear in his hands. In the popular belief, he is presented with the sword taking the souls of people, which is why in some places he is called “Arangel Tessons”. Lit.: Yereum A. Orћ, o Holiday Orthodox Church, Belgrade, 1860. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АРАНЃЕЛ, Св

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