Angels (1185-1204) – Byzantine Family and ruling dynasty. Founder was Konstantin Angel, who married the smallest daughter of Alexy ⅰ Compeople. His grandson Isak ⅱ angel (1185-1 1195) grabbed the imperial crown. After him, without any major reputation, Alexy ⅲ (1195- 1203) and Alexy ⅳ (1203-1204) ruled. Mikhail ⅰ Angel (1204-1214) founded the Eupian state, and his successor Theodore ⅰ Angel (1214-1230) won Thessaloniki (1224) and declared an emperor. Angels ruled Epirus and Thessaly until 1318. Lit.: Mr. Isvorogic, Roda Roda Angela, Siss, George Isvorgorgog, Kn. Ⅲ, Belgrade, 1970. K. Ag. Angelkov, Boris Atanasov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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