State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia

State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia. It was founded on 1. ⅵ 1945 as a Macedonian federal statistical device. At the same time, statistical devices within local authorities of the government have been organized. The first tasks, which the device successfully realized, referred to demographic research in the country: records of the births and the deceased, the number of marriages, harmonization of data from censuses for 1921 and 1931. With the new territory of NRM, etc. In the period until the independence of the country, the SSO functions as the Republic Statistical Office within the Federal Statistical Office of the SFRY. Designation of statistical data begins with the publicist activity of the institution. The first publications for a wide range of users Monthly Statistical Report and Statistical Yearbook dating back to the beginning of 1951. Even in the time of the SRM, the institution is capable of complex monitoring, analyzing and publishing relevant statistical data from the social, social and economic life of the country. After the independence of the Republic of Macedonia and later, with the adoption of the Law on State Statistics (1997), the institution is renamed the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia. Its basic functions are: collecting, processing, analyzing and desimmination of data on statistical phenomena and processes in all spheres of social life of the country, coordination of the statistical system of the Republic of Macedonia, establishing international cooperation in the field of statistics and implementation of international and European statistical standards in the earth. Today, the SSO is a modern and competent institution, which with success produces and publishes (in Macedonian and English) a number of relevant and internationally comparable statistics (within more than 260 statistical surveys of different periodicals) for the demographic, social and economic development of the country. In the sphere of the economy, i.e. Economic statistics, the State Statistical Office, applying standard international methodologies for monitoring key macroeconomic aggregates (gross domestic product, unemployment, inflation, etc.), makes significant contribution to the perception and diagnosis of economic conditions in the country, for the concept of economic policies and Their implementation, as well as the international comparability of the country’s economic flows with those in other countries. Exhibition: Internal data of the SSO. T. F. State Capital of the Republic of Macedonia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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