Macroeconomic aggregates. According to the existing system of national accounts, accepted by the UN and other international organizations, there are two types of aggregate macroeconomic sizes: first, aggregates relating to real transactions in economic life, and second, aggregates representing balance sheet items in national accounts. The first are obtained directly as a set of certain transactions, and the latter is determined as a set of balance sheet items (balances) of the institutional sectors. In macroeconomics, numerous macroeconomic aggregates are used. We will mention the following: The added value, GDP, BNP, net domestic product (national income), gross national income, final consumption (households and the state), gross investments, gross investments in fixed capital, consumed fixed capital (depreciation), the increase in inventories, net foreign investment, the balance of current transactions abroad, gross national savings, net lending or net borrowing abroad, monetary aggregates, total employment, total unemployment, etc. Exhibition: SNA 1993 and ESA 1995. M. S.
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