Dragen, John (? -1379/1381) – The despot, the older son of Dejan’s despot (from him inherits the title) and Vladislava (or Evedokia). After the father’s death, the neighbors was suppressed in Zoggligo and in Gornojujuy, after which he recognized the vasalness to Volkashin and the ugler. After the Marian battle (1371), along with the younger brother, Constantine formed an independent state (1372-1375), which gradually expanded the territories east of the R. Vardar, north of Vranje and Velbuzh, Rila to the east, to Sir and Thessaloniki to the south, as well as in Tikves. The first original mention is from 1373 (from the Dubrovnik Office); Eight coins were preserved (Kicevo leaves, as of 1373), and the last testimony is his charter from June 1377. (He issued four, independently and his brother). Since August 1381 Constantine does not cite him as a cooperative; There is the opinion that then he became a monk and finished life as Velicoshim John Calcitte. Lit.: H. Matanov, Dzastashi’s house. The history of northernize Macedonia in the Predesman epoch, Sofia, 1997; D. Bargieva, the ring of Yo-Van Oliver – John Calcitte – Church of the church in Lesnovo, “History”, ⅹⅺ / 1-2, Skopje, 1975. B. Petr. Constantine Dragle, icon
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДРАГАШ, Јован