Dverport – ancient area in Upper Macedonia, besides R. Erigon (SP. Tit Livius), part of Paionia, with the cities of Stubara, alkode, maybe Mr. Dverport and others. (SP. Strabon, Stefan Byzantine). In Roman times, after 167 BCE, with the division of Macedonia into four areas, D. enters ⅳ Merida. Epigraphic inscriptions from the village. Chepigovo and Bella Church, southwest of Prilep, localize this area of the northwestern limit that $ belonged to Pelagonia. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕВРИОП