Young Turk Revolution.

Young Turk Revolution (1908) – a military state overturned by intellectual, military and bourgeois forces in the Ottoman state (mainly in Macedonia, as an action for preventing the autonomy of this Turkish pro-manifestation in Bitola on the occasion of the Young Turk Revolution (1908) Vinguation after the meeting of Russia’s sovereigns and England) for establishing a constitutional system in the country. The Young Turks formed (Geneva, 1891) The organization “Ithakd Terracles” (“Unity and Progress”). At the congress in Paris, the organization adopted a decision for the start of an armed struggle for root changes in state regulation and social and economic life in the country. Although the action was performed earlier and not by accident with the center in Macedonia, to preserve the whole of Lake “Mladost” in Veles Turkey before the decisions for autonomy of Macedonia at the River Rusky-British meeting, their action was supported by some Macedonian revolutionary forces led of J. Sandanski. The lucky overrudition (ⅶ 1908) did not bring more changes. The dutronization of Sultan Abdul Hamid ⅱ and the establishment of the youth regime did not constitute a more radical twist. The internal crisis was tightened (deepened with the war with Italy, ⅸ 1911), parliament was dissolved (ⅶ 1912), soon the Balkan war began. Lit.: M. Pandevski, Macedonia in the Balkans, Skopje, 1990; History of the Macedonian people, KN. 3, Skopje, 2003. Al. TR. Homework Momeline (Szutugeira Tsolotra L.)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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