Willin pony, benign. (Libelolulla Ljudiramula L.) – Insect from the order of the Wilnic ponies. There are two pairs of well-developed wings, of which, the rear are slightly wider. Every wing has a small black spot, after which he received the name. Strong wings make a good flight. Is fed by arthropods. It meets across Europe. In Macedonia it can be found around non-defeated waters. Lit.: Biljana Karaman, tontribution à la Tnanaaset de la Faune deonas du Lac de Doniran, Year. CB. BILLED. Skopje, 1981, 34: 215223; Gunter Peters, Hans Hatsquethall, notic Uber Die Libelen (Odon) In-Mazedonien, Acta. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1986, 18 (5): Bedgravo Vilinian pony 125-158; Biljana Karaman, Les Othonates du Lac De Prespa (SUGOSLIVIVE) and PARTE: La Compososition Ljullati Et L’anasse zooegraphezy de la Faune, Ann. FAC. SCI. Nat., Biol., Skopje, 1987, 37-37: 97-110. C. T. K. – M. Cr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet