White terror

Bell Terror – State Terror after the division of Macedonia (1913), when the Balkan monarchies carried out a policy of a fierce terror against the Macedonian population. The Macedonian name and the Macedonian language were forbidden and persecuted, as well as any public expression of the Macedonian ethnic awareness (language, traditions and folk customs). Various terrorist organizations (“Greek-Macedonian fist”, “Association against Bulgarian Bandits”) terrorized the Macedonian population to accept the denationalization and assimilation or emigrate. In the Vardar part of Macedonia, Serbian authorities also conducted state terror against the Macedonian people with an excuse to fight the VMRO. In the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Greek authorities carried out a policy of ethnic genocide over the Macedonian population. Based on the Convention on “voluntary eviction”, 86,000 Macedonians were forcedly expelled in Bulgaria. Strong pressure was carried out for eviction and other Macedonian population (tragedy in the village. Trlis, 1924). The Greek state of terror culminated in the period of metaxasis dictatorship (1936-1940), when 5,000 Macedonians, due to the use of the Macedonian language, were sent after Greek prisons and camps. In the Pirin part of Macedonia, VMRO with liquidations was calculated with its political opponents. In the period of the Second World War, the policy of terror against the Macedonian population continued. In the Aegean and Vardar part of Macedonia, supporters of the Macedonian national and anti-fascist movement were persecuted. In the period of the civil war in Greece (1946-1949), the policy of white terror of the Greek state culminated: more than 20,000 Macedonians lost their lives, and terror was carried on the civilian population (the tragedy in the village. B’Mbooki and Zagorican); 60,000 (between them and 20,000 children) were forced to emigrate to Eastern European countries. In the Pirin part of Macedonia, after the abolition of cultural autonomy (1948), the prosecution policy continued. And in the NRM, the authorities performed certain types of repression on political opponents and opponents (“autonomists”, “nationalists” or “Informs”). Lit.: S. Acidenovski, Greek colonization in Aegean Macedonia (1913-1940), Skopje, 1981; HR. Andonovski, the truth about Aegean Macedonia, Skopje, 1971. St. KIS.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛ ТЕРОР

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