Greek-Macedonian fist (1926) – Greek nationalist and terrorist organization in the Aegean part of Macedonia in the period between the two world wars, formed after the Greek-Turkish war acting in Kostur, Lerin, Vodina, Kaural, etc. Organized groups were crossed by Macedonian villages and terrorized the Macedonian population for “voluntarily” to evict Bulgaria or overseas countries (Canada, USA and Australia). The declarations warned Macedonians (from 2 to 80 years) that the use of the Macedonian language is strictly forbidden. Lit.: Hr. Andonovski, the truth about Aegean Macedonia, Skopje, 1971; S. Acidenovski, Greek colonization in Aegean Macedonia (1913-1940), Skopje, 1981. St. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet