Volcanic rocks – magmatic rocks that have a porphic structure, and textures are usually massive or fluidal. In this group, the rocks are exploited: Riolites, Trahiti, Andesites, Latites, Quartzlati, basalts and picries. In the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, volcanic rocks appear in a different rock rock from Kratovo personal geological formations, as older and younger. Older volcanic rocks are usually called Paleotypical Volcanic rocks, and younger kenotypical volcanic rocks. From the group of Paleootype volcanic rocks on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, riolitites are represented, in the Serbian-Macedonian mass of the Kanpinese volcanic rocks are the latiti, quartzlatits, the Andesites, trahits, trachybasalts and riolites in the Kenosoy volcanic areas. These volcanic areas are as follows: the Kratovo-Zletovo Volcanic area, mainly represented by Latites, quartzlatits, Andesite, Anditat baseline; Kumanovoladonangoric Volcanic Obestel (basalts and trachilalzati); Bucim-borovodlic volcanic obstine (Latites, quartzlatits, trahits); Kozufka Volcanic area (trachibosal, andesite, latiti, quartzlatits, ryolites, trahiti); Koselan-Ohrid Volcanic Obest (Latites, Andesit); Dojran Volcanic area (Trahiti, Riolites); Sasa-Toranic Volcanic area (Latites, quartzlatits, lamorphors). The kenotypic volcanic rocks on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia are connected and mineralizations and marvunctions of copper, gold, lead-zinc, arsenic, antimony, thallium, etc. The age of the kenotypical volcanic rocks is determined as myocalopliets, and on the areas of Kozuf and young Nagoricane as Pleistocene.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВУЛКАНСКИ КАРПИ