Vlahov, Kuchus of Christ (Kukush, 3. ⅵ 1899 – Sofia, 13. ⅵ 1981) – Historian, publicist, deserved Dian of Science (1966), UNIV. Professor, a correspondent member of Ban (1967) and the hero of the Socialist Through of People’s Republic of Bulgaria (1974). After the second Balkan war, he emigrated to Bulgaria (1913). He graduated from the Sofia University (1926) and specialized in Berlin and Paris (1929-1932). As a member of the BCP (1934) and a gymnasium professor in Carlovo, Sliven, Koprivtica and Sofia (1934-1944), he was constantly fond of the authorities. After the Second World War, he was the chief history of history in the Ministry of Public Prosecutor (1945-1949), and then a professor of a new general history of the Sofia University (1961-1968). It was a special interest in the national liberation fighting in Macedonia. BIB.: Voluchovision and Velikobel Chavinists – Bulgarian® monarchy, Sofia, 1947, Turkish-BLLLGARY RESPECTION PR 1913- 1915, Sofia, 1955; Rostage city of Hristo Srernenski, Sofia, 1956; The reproofation of the intersection of the Central forces after the 1912-1918 ways, Sofia, 1957; Kukush and his historical = Esco past, Sofia, 1962; Bulgaria and Young Turkish Revolóchia, Sofia, 1966; Crisis of Balkaro-Turkish Holders 1895-1908, Sofia, 1977. Lit.: Bulgaria and European Parties Pread ⅹⅰⅹ-ⅹⅹ c. (SB. V = Este of Tuse Vlahov), Sofia, 1975; HR. Daneva-Mihova, You-day pedagogue and historic, “Praises”, but 2-3, Sophage, 1974, 114-118. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЛАХОВ, Туше Христов