Vlachs in the Balkans – Romanized, indigenous population in the Balkans, but also have opinions that they settled from the North Balkans and neighboring European countries. The name comes from a Celtic tribe, which the Romans called Volza, and Germany Naalhos, the Slavs and Byzantium (Valahos) took over. They were named: Volorinhini, Cynical, Morlavians, Cutrooms, Karavavis, Chichi, Karaguna, Caravonians, Karakachani, Mearcers, etc., and today they are now called Armanius. First, they are mentioned in the Holy Chronicles (the second sex. Of ⅷ c.) Under the shape of Vomorinhini, when their baptism is performed. An explicit confirmation is in 976, when Vlachs (wanderers) killed the Commitopul David, between Prespa and Kostur. The first known Vlach toponym is Kimba Longu (XI c.), A Vlach named Berivo (rebellion from Thessaly, 1066). In ⅻ-ⅹⅳ c. Vlachs are already inhabited in Epirus and Thessaly (areas are called Vlachy), and the Shoranian Episcopia (Southern Albania) is Vlach diocese. Vlachs Stockers gradually crossed life in Katuni (in the winter period), and from ⅹⅰⅰⅰ-ⅹⅴ c. There are already Vlach villages. Legal relations were fixed with laws on Vlachs (Dushan Code, the Law on Cetin Vlachs). In the Ottoman state, they preserved its self-government, under the form of capitals, until the second sex. On ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c., when the Center Moskopole (city and seat of Metropolis) was destroyed, after which they moved to Thessaloniki, Sir, Bitola and Krushevo. In the Western Balkans, they gradually abandon their language and the feeling of ethnic specialization, but remained visible traces in toponymy and anthroponymism. During the ⅹⅰⅹ – Start. on ⅹⅹ c. Vlachs contributed to the acquittal movements of the Balkan peoples (especially in Greece, 1821 and Macedonia, 1903), and in the second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Romanian school schools and church liturgy are open in some settlements in Macedonia and the Pindpan area – “The heart of the arromination”. There they declared autonomy (1917, the Republic of Samarian, then the Republic of Pind and Zagora), and autonomy receive during the Second World War. Vlachs preserved ethnic identity, language and culture. In the Republic of Macedonia, they are recognized as a separate ethnic community (9,596 persons, according to the 2002 census). Lit.: A. I. Coukudis, Tezhs: Metropolis and Diaspora, Toheroniki, 2003; D. Daskalov, Arms in Greece, Sofia, 2005; T. Newifrithm, plaster Vlaschs, London, 1992; N. Pop-Nicholas, Vlach Revenues, Bitola, 2003. B. Petr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet