Vipcanova, pilot

Vipstova, Boyon – Publisher, historian of literature, child of migration Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia, the wife of the poet N. J. Vaptsarov. It ended Mathematics at the Sofia University and a year-long school in the Union of Bulgarian Journalists. With the husband he met the council in the village. Barakov (28. ⅷ 1932) and married 11. ⅱ 1934. After the Second World War, significant memories of the husband (for the Decade of 1932-1942) and as the associate of the Ban literature, Ban literature literature, appeared as a prolific researcher and publicist of his legacy. BIB.: Memories of Vaptsarov, Sophage, 1952, (2 Sod. 1953 and 3. Done and processed edition, 1972); Short biography of Vaptsarov, ZB. Nikola ¯onkov Vaptsarov, Sophage, 1947, 9-18; When the millions of the millions. Memories of Vaptsarov, Sophage, 1961; Nikola Vaptsarov. Chronicle for the life and husbandry, Sophage, 1978; Nikola Vaptsarov. About = Inenion. Under the edaction of Boya Vapzarova, Preface from Hristo Radevski, Sophage, 1979; Nikola Vaptsarov. Rukopisy legacy. Casters Bojika Vipkarova, prepared text and comments Biika Vipkarova and Magdalena Chishkova, Sofia, 1982. Lit.: Nikola J. Vaptsarov, works. Choice and Preface Gane Todorovski, Skopje, 1979; Nikola Vaptsarov, songs for the homeland. Collected verses. Preparation and translation Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Skopje, 1986. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАПЦАРОВА, Бојка

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