Videot. (Video Art) – Autonomous art discipline in contemporary art. It uses television technique and technology, experimenting in the field of electronic image and sound and introduces a specific visual language. The beginnings bind to the artistic movements of the sixties and seventies of ⅹⅹ c., When artists in the world begin to use: Camera, Ricker, Monitor, Video. In the Republic of Macedonia, the first Video Representations (1984 and 1985) is organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art, and 1986. Macedonian Television (TV Skopje) held the international video repayment “Skopje – Montenalian “86”. The first videos are realized in the editorial office of culture and art of MTV. An indigenous ambience is created in which the first such beauties co-authority realize eminent artistic names with separate creative television professionals. Macedonian Video: Dragan Abjanic – c. Abjanic; Alec video, John Schumovski (2003-04) Sandar Stankovski – c. Stankovski; Zlatko Trajkovski-hunks; Zhanet Vangeli; Irena Pascali, etc. K. TR. – ABJ.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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