Velus Tumba.

Velus Tumba -. Neolithic settlement at the foot of Baba Mountain, and at 400 m south of the village. Materodin and 2 km east of the village. Velushina. It is an artificial highway, 5 m high and an elongated basis of 250 m. Research from archaeologists from the Museum in Bitola (1971-1984, with small interruptions), which carried out probe excavations in its central part. Thus, four stages of urban renewal were found in the cultural layer of 4 m, filled with the remains of burnt objects and objects of material and spiritual culture. The settlement was erected in the early and existed by the end of the Middle Neolith. Due to the chronological continuity and typological specificity of ceramics and cult plastic, Neolithic in Pelagonia is aside as a separate group. The findings are kept in the Museum in Bitola. Lit.: Dragica Simoska – Vojislav Sanev, Neolithic settlement Veluski Tumba in Bitola, Macus. ACCTHHHEAL. “, 1, 1975; Vojislav Sanev, Neolithic and Neolithic cultures in Macedonia, in: Civilizations of the Soil of Macedonia, 2, MANU, Skopje, 1995. V. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛУШКА ТУМБА

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