Velkov-Pepod, Todor (Kavadarci, 12. Xi 1912 – Plachkovica, 9. ⅴ 1944) – Veterinary doctor and national Dean. He finished fourth class of a realistic high school in his hometown, and then finished the second male gymnasium in the white city and the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb (1931-1941). Bill one of the initiators for the formation of the Program in Kavadarci (1935), one of the founders and prominent activist of the student cultural and educational company “Vardar” in Zagreb, one of the initiators for the establishment of the CPY organization in Kavadarci and the collection of red help (1936) . In the great party failure in Macedonia (1937) he was arrested and conducted in Skopje prison, but due to lack of evidence, after 8 months he was released. The parliamentary IDers (1938) actively supported Elijah Chulev’s election as a candidate of the joint opposition. After the April war (1941) was a veterinarian in Kumanovo and joined the NOB. He was president of the first illegal NOO of Kumanovo and the fighter of the Kumanovo NOO (1944). He died in a fight with the Bulgarian army. Lit.: K (Iilo) Miljovski, thirty-three years from the death of Todor Velkov, “Macedonian Veterinary Review”, ⅵ, 2, Skopje, 1977, 55-63; Jordan Cekov-Dane, the revolutionary activity of Dr. Todor Velkov-Pephe in 1941-1944 in Kumanovo “Swlesen”, ⅹⅳ, 37-38, Kumanovo, April 1987, 110-120; Tikvesh in the Noob. Proceedings of the fallen fighters and victims of fascist from Kavadarsko, Kavadarci, S. a., 24. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛКОВ-ПЕПЕТО, Тодор