Velkov, Miodrag

Velkov, Miodrag (Skopje, 1930) – Construction engineer, prominent expert in construction constructors, full professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1955). After graduation, he works in the field of construction structures in the then institution for construction (later “Macedonia-project”). Skopje earthquake (1963) creates a need for new knowledge in construction construct. Active works and improves as a constructor in the Soviet Union and Romania. Since 1965 Works in Iziis, Skopje, especially the staffing of this institution as Head of the Hearing Department. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade (1970). In 1979 and 1982 Standing Standford University in the United States. He is a permanent UN expert, in which capacity works in Peru, Algeria, Ki-pair, Armenia and Romania. He has published over 100 scientific papers and is quoted by over 20 foreign researchers. Of particular importance is its activity as a design constructor with over several thousand projects in the country and abroad. He is among the first designers in Europe that introduces the methodology The Capacitas Designp Procedure. He stayed at several universities in the world. K. Tal.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛКОВ, Миодраг

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