Vaskov, Pance Nikolov

Vaskov, Pance Nikolov (Veles, 10. ⅵ 1870 – Veles, 1951) – doctor and revolutionary. He graduated in Constantinople in 1896. The medical practice began in Kostur, where despite the Turkish Pance Vaskov terror and Greek propaganda set the foundations of the MRO. When they discovered, they condemned him to Lifelong Robbia and sent him to Asia Minor. Because of the merit in the health field, in 1900 He was amnestied and returned to Veles, where he continued his medical practice. In the Ilinden period, it supplied revolutionary troops with medicines and overflow material. By retirement (1944), he was completely placed in the service of his people. P. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСКОВ, Панче Николов

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