Vaskov, Blagoj Pancev

Vaskov, Blagoj Pancev (Veles, 4 ⅱ 1912 – Skopje, 22. IX 1983) – Veterinarian, Regular Prof. At the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje, which was three times elected for Dean. He received his doctorate at the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb (1952). He was also a pro-rector of the University of Skopje and the first Chief of the Veterinary Service of Macedonia (1945-1947). He is the author of the first veterinary regulation in the Republic of Macedonia. In 1947 is Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy. He is the author of textbooks Anatomy and biochemistry (for agronomists and cattle breeders). M. D. – J. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСКОВ, Благој Панчев

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