Vasilevic, Miodrag A

Vasilevic, Miodrag A. (Zap, 9. IX 1903 – Opatija, 9. 1963) – Ethnomusicologist, UNIV. Professor, a collector of Macedonian folk art. As a music teacher in Skopje and a professor in the secondary music school and the Music Academy in Belgrade, about 4,000 folk songs with melodies and text from Macedonia, Kosovo, Sandzak, southern Serbia and Montenegro (1948-1950), of which were published more Book records published by the Music Institute of Sanu. BIB. Yugoslav music folklore, ⅱ. People’s melody, who are Kejujah, Belgrade, 1953. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСИЛЕВИЌ, Миодраг А

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