Vasilev Cvetkov, Vasil Grigorov

Vasilev Cvetkov, Vasil Grigorov (Petrich, 17. 1915 – Petrich, ⅳ 2006) – Partizan of the Petristic Partisan Department “Andon Popov” and a member of the first, second and third session of ASNOM. He participated in a new in the Vardar part of Macedonia, political commissioner of Chief and Pom. Political commissioner of a battalion in ⅱ Macedonian Nawb and on ⅹⅳ Makedonska Brigade. He was one of the founders of the Petristic Partisan Squad “Andon Popov”. After the IB resolution was applied and convicted. Lit.: Velimir Brezoski and Mile Todorovski, the political, national and social composition of the National representatives of the first session of ASNOM, “Magazar of Init”, ⅷ / 1, Skopje, 1964; ASNOM. Documents of the first and second session of ASNOM, and, 2, Skopje 1984; ASNOM. Documents from the work of the Presidium of ASNOM between the second and third session of ASNOM, and, 3, Skopje, 1987. V. Nd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСИЛЕВ ЦВЕТКОВ, Васил Григоров

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