Vascodich, Emanuel (Manolaki Vasket) (Melnik, 1795 – 30. IX 1875) – Teacher and author of textbooks and books. He was educated in Melnik, on Oh. Hios and Bucharest. He was a teacher in Melnik, and after 1815. It opens the first worldly Elino-Bulgarian school in silence. Introduces a merciful method. With N. Bozwelli wrote “Glazing envoy detorestation for malicious children” (Kragujevac, 1835). Translated from Greek and French. Lit.: T. Krstanov, Emanuel Wardkodich and the development of the NovaBalkian Education, Sophie®, 1975. M. Zdr. Blagoj Vaskov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАСКИДОВИЧ, Емануел