Trpovski-Black, Lazo (s. D’mben, Kostur, the Aegean part of Macedonia, 1900 – s. In 1928 He emigrated to Canada and was activated in the organized Macedonian emigration, and after the expulsion, he emigrated to the USSR, where he finished the high political school. Lazo Trpovski-Black in 1935 He returned to Greece, it was activated in the CPG and approached the Macedonian national liberation movement represented by VMRO (OB). In early 1939 He was arrested and attached to the Oh camp. Akronavpelia (by June 1941). After the liberation, the resistance movement was switched on. He was a member of the Macedonian Bureau of the CPG and consistently implemented the party’s policy. He was killed by the armed members of the Pao. Lit.: Aegean Macedonia in the anti-fascist war 1941-1943, ⅶ, 1, Skopje, 1985. st. KIS. Ivan Trupok
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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