Trajkovski, Dimce.

Trajkovski, Dimche (Skopje, 23. 1898 – Bitola, 1978) – First professional actor and director in Macedonia. The owner of a traveling theater before the Second World War, in which, in addition to the sketches and sparrows, were also played: “Campelines”, “Macedonian Bloody Wedding”, “in Chains”, “Woman Sotona”, Nusic, and Nusic, etc. He is one of the founders of the Macedonian National Theater and his member (1945-1954). Roles: In “Plato Back”, Spiro (“People’s MP”), Prokic (“Sunnated Family”), Tetin Jacob (“Ms. Minister”), as well as his anthological role of Tasso in “suspicious person”. R. ST. Kiril Trajkovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТРАЈКОВСКИ, Димче

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