Topalov, Georgi

Topalov, Georgi – Santa Georgi (village Gorno Delanch, District, 1893 – m. Raven, Raven, 16. ⅴ 1944) – a promising revolutionary from the Pirin part of Macedonia. He was a participant in the September Uprising (1923). He emigrated to the Soviet Union and returned from there (1937). In the partisan movement in the Pirin part of Macedonia, he was with his two sons of Dimitar and Ivan and the daughter of Nadezhda – the youngest partisanka (1943), a political head in the debt partisan department “Nikola Parapunov”, deputy polish. Commissioner on ⅳ train. He died in the battle at m. Raven. Lit.: Georgi Dzoov (Drago), for whom the Murri, Sofia, 1971; Unfortunately 1922/1944, Smote: Died in Fighting Capitalism and Fascism From Blagoevgrad Orkug, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТОПАЛОВ, Георги

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