The queer of life – a measure that covers multiple components, among which is measurable, for example: the living standard of the population, and other immeasurable, such as freedom in the selection, environment, leisure, happiness, reliability, etc. In the Republic of Macedonia, the quality of the life of the population is most often measured through the index of human development, and according to which the country is ranked in the rank of the medium-lived countries (c. Human development). More recently, as a measure of the quality of the population, the quality of life is also used, which is based on the methodology connecting the results of the polls for the subjective life satisfaction of people and objective factors of the quality of life. The index moves in a range of 1 to 10 and is the product of “TePhy Economy Intelmist Unit”. According to the 2005 data, the quality of life of life for the Republic of Macedonia is 5,337, which ranks 89th of the total of 111 countries in the world. Lit.: R. Protection-Allenna, TePhnbeening of Nations: A CunS-BS-TS-TSUNTS INJULS OF LOVIATS OF LIFT AND TEPHE ENVORONMENT. Covelo, Tsa. IDRC / Icelandic Press, 2001; TePhe Economy Inteligler Unit, TePhe Economy Inteligler Unit’s LjuciF-Life Index, TePe News In 2005, 1-4. D. E.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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