The monetary in Stobi. Thanks to the privileged status of municipalities and the important communication and economic position he owned in the Roman period, Stobi acquired the right to Cook his own money, which became the first and only Roman monetar on the territory of today’s R. Macedonia. The monetary, with occasional interruptions in the work, was active about 150 years (73-217). She broadcast bronze coins in the name of 11 emperors or coin of Stobi (Avers / Reverse) their women (Vespasian, Tit, Domitian, Domitia, Trajan, M. Aurelius, Faustina ⅱ, S. North, J. Domain, Geeta and Caracala) and the so-called. “Psevedoutonnom” coins, without a representation of a ruler. The monetary began working at the time of Emperor Vespasan, and stopped at the time of Caracala. She worked with varying intensity and occasional interruptions. In Stobi were coins in three basic denominations. The legends of the coins are written in Latin, and the name of the city (Municipum Stocumentum) was inscribed. The iconographic repertoire of money includes representations of various deities, temples, animals, etc. Lit.: P. Josifovski, the Roman monetary in Stobi, Skopje, 2001. P. J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet