The economy as a science

The economy as a science – studies allocation, i.e. the expansion of rare resources to the points of their rational use. According to the synthetic concept of the subject of studying the Nobel laureate’s economy Paul Semelson, the economy needs to answer three key issues: what to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce? Although people were interested in economic issues long ago, since ancient times, the economy became real science even with the emergence of Adam Smith’s work (1723-1790), research on nature and the reasons for the wealth of nations (1776). Since then, the economy has experienced an unstoppable boom. Economists distinguish microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics examines the behavior of individual firms, consumers and individual economic sectors in economic life. Macroeconomics studies the functioning of the economy as a whole, ie it elaborates the strongest economic aggregates: growth rates in gross domestic product (rates of economic growth), unemployment and inflation and their mutual relations. Economists, Economics Institute, Stip also distinguish a positive and normative economy. The positive economy is studying the facts in the economy, i.e. Economic phenomena, phenomena and processes as they are in real life. Its conclusions are clear, realistic and often backed by concrete numbers, quantified. The normative economy in the analysis introduces ethical and valuable courts and criteria and tells what things should be. Disagreements among economists for some economic issues mainly arise from the normative economy. Economic science in Macedonia is experiencing a comprehensive development after World War II. The country’s dynamic economic development has imposed a need for education of highly professional cadres from the economic profession. The establishment of the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1950) mainly with Macedonian teaching staff (one of its part educated abroad, and another part of the Yugoslav university centers), was a milestone in this regard. In the sixties of the last century, the first postgraduate studies in Macedonia (and in the then Yugoslavia) were opened in the monetary economy. For encouraging economic research, the Economic Institute from Skopje has made a special contribution. Then followed the formation of other higher education institutions (senior schools and faculties) of the economic voca (Prilep and Oh-Reed). The first economic magazines (“Economic Review”, the anniversary of the faculties and the Institute of Economics, etc.) appeared in the country, and the publishing activity (high school textbooks, scripts, university textbooks, etc.) appeared. The growth and development of Macedonian economic higher education and scientific institutions opened opportunities for staying for our staff in renowned foreign universities, for the acquisition of economic staff with a new knowledge fund and their transfer to the country. In the same direction, the growth and development of modern Macedonian enterprises, including those with widespread international activity, banks, insurance companies, etc.. The development of the Macedonian economic science received in quality after the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, with the complex reform of the study programs of the economic faculties and their approximation to the European and world standards, with an even more pronounced opportunity for exchange of teachers and the Studyikonomic faculty, Prilep dents with foreign universities, Studying our staff abroad, participation of Macedonian scientists and experts in significant international scientific projects, the establishment of new economic faculties and joint studies (undergraduate and postgraduate) with renowned foreign universities, establishing modern macroeconomic departments in the NBM and the Ministry of Finance etc. Lit.: P. Samuelson and News. NORDHAUS, ECOOOMICS, EIGHTENEH Editon, McGle-Hill International Edition, 2005, 3-15; T. Fiti, economy – basics of the economy, Skopje, 2006, 5-19. T. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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