The economic conditions in Macedonia at the time of the Balkan and World War I (1912-1918). During the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and in the First World War (1914-1918), when Macedonia continually representing a polygon for military actions of the warring parties, there was almost complete disorder in its commercial life and development. The unfavorable movements in the numerous situation of the population, started since earlier and especially encouraged by the Ilinden Uprising (1903), continued to continue during the war years 1912-1918. At the end of the First World War, when Macedonia was crushed between the bourgeoisies of neighboring Balkan countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania), it was found in extraordinary economic exhaustion. Human losses were enormous. The large and petty livestock was decimated and sustained for the needs of the armies. The neglected, unprocessed and unaffected, the bulk of the agricultural areas remained. The position made even more and unclean property-legal relations in agriculture. The abandoned properties of the Turkish subjects, who went from Macedonia, put a new, Serbian, state power. Villagers, as previously processors, remained without owned by the country, which was processed by generations. The industry was almost completely ruined. At the end of several wars – according to very completely reliable sources – “there was no industrial enterprise capable of work.” The craftsmen were full of Bacilo on the mountain Bistra ruined and forced to reorient to agriculturalism, and in his frames, livestock breeding. On the one hand, lecture. With the establishment of particular to the financing of the grain growing of the Zero artificial border towards the social sector. In the country (front of the S ‘on the milking cows), the Aegean part of Macedonia was established several farms, demanded large amounts of food, began to decline all before the C “for close livestock, where the farms could not disagrams and places What they found, after which agronomists and veterinarians are defeating in the country (despite the determined or near the No-Lenna Import). On the other hand, the dies applied the zootechnical border. The Cardia failed to transform the organization of production. In contrast, it innocated in a topic. In winteria after the Balkan Wars, Skopje, 1981; Dr. Lit. Work valleys almost stopped, due to during the wars of 1912 to 1918, the individual village, Prilep, Prilep and Prilep 1893-1918, kn.. Ⅱ, households modest. Pupper slaughter and sale of Prilep, 1991. R. H. The stall production was the breed (lambs). These pre-animal husbandry – a social sector, and the fact that in the winter before World War II was well developed. Passish-Number of Hoop in Animal Husbandry (1951-2005) Tata of the High Mountains and a Themed Problem in the development of in thousands of throats Top valleys with mild climate Year conditional cattle pigs Sheep poultry baskets offer favorable natural conditions throats. With the beeps development of livestock breeding. Livestock, in the past and now, not 1951 376 132 2,022 920 74 is important for the economy Only 1956 317 366 91 2,056 1.135 47 Because of the meat, but also it is important because of milk, cheese, cheese1961 298 336 125 1,806 1.306 71 Valal And skins1971 350 288 106 1.828 2.914 TE. In the postwar period, so S “until 1981 431 392 192 2,127 4.314 104 Today, the sector notes a faster increase of the vegetable 1291 282 171 2,251 4.563 76 leadership. This is due to the fact 2005 248 156 1,244 2.617 67 What Agrarian Policy of the State-out.: Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office, Vata was more facing for the respective years. Period and sheep breeding faced food shortages, led to an unfavorable state and the Fund of the throats sheep to be significantly reduced. The poultry in Macedonia registered a significant rise in the eighties and nineties of the last century (especially the hens surroundings and broilers), but in the transition period, a re-decline came. Lit.: Todor Mirovski, the economy of Vardar Macedonia between the two world wars, MANU, Skopje, 1998; Nikola Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001. D. N.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet