The bureaucracy in the DFM / NRM / SRM / RM -. Social layer that consists of administrative officials at all levels of the state organization. The bureaucratic layer in Macedonia in the period 1946-1990 spread sharply through the state and one-party apparatus and received significantly high status in the hierarchy of social prestige and affiliations. His participation in the total population ranged between 7.5 and 8.6%. The bureaucratic layer has three subherents. High officials who are employed in the highest state bodies, as a rule, are with higher education and high prestige in the scale of professions. The middle and low sub-layer consists of those employed in municipal assemblies and courts, as well as council employees who have secondary and higher education and significantly lower incomes, power and prestige. In the transition period (after 1990), the social position of the administration changes significantly, with a tendency for its internal stratification and downward mobility. The amount of salaries, especially in the middle and low sub-layer, is significantly lagging behind compared to education in entrepreneurial and managerial layers and groups. Its power and the realized prestige dropped to a line of uncertainty in retaining the workplace due to politics for its significant reduction, but also because of party employments and layoffs. Lit.: Mihajlo Djuric, Sociology Maska Vebara, Belgrade, 1997. Five. D.
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