The Bulgarian Communist Party and the Macedonian national question

The Bulgarian Communist Party and the Macedonian national question (1919-1989). In its Social Democratic Period, the Macedonian people considered the Macedonian people as a Bulgarian population, and Macedonia for Bulgarian country. The exception was its leader Dimitar Blagoev (by origin Macedonian), who in 1917. In the Bulgarian parliament, he spoke that the wars that Bulgaria led to Macedonia were the introductory and asked Macedonia to form it as a separate state. Since 1919 The BCP performed with the declarative slogan for the release of Macedonia in the “Balkan Federation”. In 1924 It was criticized by the cometary for the attitude towards the Macedonian question, that it should not be seen as a reserve of the proletarian revolution, but as its integral part. In 1926 At ⅶ Conference of BCF in Moscow, BCP publicly recognized the mistake that the Macedonian question was treated as a Bulgarian issue, not as a Macedonian – from the position of the Macedonian nation. In 1928 The ⅱ expanded plenum adopted a resolution on the existence of the Macedonian nation and that the Macedonian people in the Pirin part of Macedonia is nationally enslaved and exposed to national assimilation. He raised his slogan for the right of Macedonians to self-determination and the creation of an independent Macedonia. In 1937 He confirmed the attitude of the right of “brotherly Macedonian people” in all parts of the divided Macedonia to self-determination to secession in a separate state. In the Second World War, the BCP departed from those views. The Bulgarian fascist occupation of Macedonia declared the acquittal and tried to join the Macedonian party organization. After the capitulation of the fascist regime and the assumption of the government and after the constitution of the Macedonian national state in the Vardar part of Macedonia, the Federal Unit of Federal Yugoslavia changed the position and the Macedonian state for a step for the unification of the Macedonian people. After the IB resolution against Yugoslavia, BCP returned to the old great-based positions. And after the normalization of relations continued with the same policy – S “by the end of its existence under the name BCP. Lit.: BCP, ComITAR AND MACEDONIAN PEROS, SOFS® 1998 and 1999; From recognition to denial (Bulgarian views on the Macedonian question) – articles-speech-documents. Selection and newsroom Vangja and Kole Casule, Skopje, 1970; Lazar Mojsov, the GRP and the Macedonian national question, Skopje, 1978. O. Iv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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