Temelkoski, Borko Jordanov (Psevd. The bat) (Prilep, 20. ⅹⅰⅰ 1919 – Skopje, 21. 2001) – Party and military head and statesman. In 1939 He was a member of the CPY and Secretary of the Board Committee of the CPY. After the occupation, he was one of the organizers and Rollorko Temelkoski Elidians in Macedonia. In 1943 He was secretary of the KPM and member of the main headquarters of New and Pom to the end of the war. He was a delegate and session of ASNOM. After the war, he performed senior managerial party and state functions in the CPM Central Committee and the CPY CD, a member of the Government of the SRM and the Federal Government. He was elected republic and federal lawmaker several times. He was chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Union of Fighters from NOB. Project of the JNA in Reserve and People’s Hero. Lit.: People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Skopje, 1973. O. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТЕМЕЛКОСКИ, Борко Јорданов