Supervision of banks in the Republic of Macedonia – a set of activities for controlling the compliance of banks with domestic and international regulations and bank standards In order to ensure healthy ball sponges, the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje and a stable banking system. Immediately after the monetary independence of Macedonia, the supervisory function of the Central Bank is located in the start. For the needs of the licensing and control of banks, in November 1992. Directorate for Supervision within the Central Bank was established. In order to include in modern flows of banking supervision, during 1996, the NBRM buys shares in the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS), and the same year it becomes a member of the group of banking supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe. During 1994 The basic bylaws in the field of supervision for measuring the solvency of banks and the assessment of the quality of the assets. As a result of these activities, already at the end of 1994. And early 1995 The NBRM performs the first immediate controls based on the so-called. Tsamel rating system. In this period, the supervisors determine a number of problems in the operations of banks and savings houses, such as: high percentage of risky placements, non-transparent shareholder structure, inadequate bookkeeping records, inadequate systems of internal control and management systems, etc. In the second half of 1999 The NBRM undertakes activities for harmonization of the supervisory function with the Basel principles for efficient banking supervision and comes to allocating the field of off-site supervision. During 2000-2002, on the basis of the new legal regulations, package decisions in the field of supervision governing several issues, such as: calculation of capital adequacy, credit risk assessment, monitoring the country’s risk , monitoring the credit concentration limits, liquidity risk management, implementation supervision of a consolidated basis, risk management of the exchange rate, etc. During 2004 It comes to separating the supervisory and regulatory function of the NBRM by establishing two separate directorates, and in 2005. Activities for gradual application of the new Capital Treaty (Baskell ⅱ). On the basis of these activities, today, the capacity of banking supervision in Macedonia is significantly increased, with a constant tendency for monitoring and accepting international supervisory standards. Lit: Kiki Mangova Ponjvic, Vanco Kargov, 60 years Central Banking in the Republic of Macedonia, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2006, 159-161. D. P. Arthur Surmeyan
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet