
Strimoni (Strumyani) – Slavic tribe settled in Macedonia (ⅵ-ⅶ c.), On the territories in the middle and the lower course of the r. Struma, after which they received the name. They participated in the Thessaloniki attack (674-677). He subdued Justinian ⅱ (687/8), but again they were glorified. They dealt with lumine and on the coast of the Aegean Sea. They recognized the Byzantine supreme power (783), accepted Christianity (midst. Of ⅸ c.). Byzantine Military-Administration Unit gorge was formed, and later a theme. They refused to help Thessaloniki, which was besieged by Arabs (904). Lit.: T. Living, southern Slavs of Yugoslavia were: John Pay Forests in Byzantine Vlashu (600-1025), Beogynninski (1950 – 1951), Ljubomir to-Macedonia, Obova stringish Rad, 2002. K. Ag. “Peckko”, Darko Markovic’s comic book

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТРИМОНЦИ

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